Top 3 Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns | #mangeshshinde #shorts

Out-Of-The-Box Marketing: Here Are Top 3 Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns

3) Axe “Exit” Sign Campaign-

One of the top guerrilla marketing campaigns is the Axe “Exit” Sign campaign, which involved placing stickers on emergency exit signs in various bars and clubs.

The stickers featured the Axe logo and the message “The Axe Effect,” implying that using Axe products would make men more attractive to women and thus increase their chances of success in social situations.

2) The Nike Run Bench Campaign-

The Nike Run Bench campaign is a fitness initiative encouraging people to incorporate running into their daily routine by providing public benches that double as exercise equipment.

The campaign aims to make running more accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of fitness level, and to promote the benefits of an active lifestyle. By combining functionality with innovative design, Nike hopes to inspire people to take their fitness to the next level and make running a part of their daily routine.

1) The Colgate Ice Cream Bar Marketing Campaign-

The Colgate ice cream bar marketing campaign is a promotional strategy that aims to create brand awareness and boost sales for Colgate’s new line of ice cream bars. The campaign will leverage various channels such as social media, television commercials, billboards, and print ads to reach a broad audience.

The marketing strategy will emphasize the brand’s commitment to oral hygiene and refreshment, positioning the ice cream bars as a guilt-free indulgence that is good for your teeth.


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