marketing mix quick overview | learn marketing P’s basics

marketing mix quick overview | learn marketing P’s basics. we know that marketing texts refer to the “four p’s of marketing” (product, price, place, and promotion). but it has always seemed a little odd to us that the four ps never include the most important p of all — people. product: your product or service is really a bundle of features and benefits in the eyes of the customer.

price: no matter what else you do right, if you don’t price your product or service correctly, it won’t sell in enough quantity to allow you to make a profit and survive. place: in marketing terms, place has to do with where your customers find your products and services. having a good product or service isn’t enough.

promotion: the purpose of the promotion part of your marketing plan is to firmly establish the identity and vision of your company in the customer’s mind. promotion is, perhaps, the most creative and important aspect of marketing. it includes personal selling, public relations, guerrilla advertising (using limited resources and creative methods), sales promotion, and publicity.

in this video, you will learn about marketing mix / marketing p’s basics. #education #learning #elearning

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0:00 | intro
0:05 | marketing mix
0:39 | product
1:35 | positioning
2:15 | packaging and labeling
3:35 | price
5:20 | pricing strategies
7:04 | place
7:50 | promotion

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