I sat with Faith Based Life Coach Martina Davis. (@hellomartinadavis) | My hearts desire is to walk women through a God Orchestrated Shift, in a world that might feel intimidating.
🩷Martina Davis is the kind of woman I wished for in my darkest hour. I hand picked her for my podcast in hopes that she could walk big dreamers and entrepreneurs through their darkest hours.
🩷Take a listen to @comebacksiswithcm tonight at 7. My dream is to lift you, by sharing my story and bringing in the wisdom of faith based coaches & leaders.
💜I hope this one really helps.
💜I hope someone feels less alone.
🩵Encouragement becomes your ministry when you get over the hurdle of discouragement. My mess is becoming my message. Little by little. Yours will too.
(PS – “won A Grammy” just one. 🤭)